COVID-19 Update

Dear Acadia Families,

First of all, I would like our families to know how much we are already missing our students.  There are only a few times that schools are open with a full staff and no children and that is usually in August when we are excitedly preparing for a new school year or in June as we clean up in preparation for the following school year.  Being here at school in March with no students is very odd for all of us.  Please know that we are thinking about our families every day and wish everyone the best. 

We understand that families are wanting to collect their child’s personal belongings from school and we have been advised through guidelines, set out by Alberta Health Services, to create a schedule for families regarding pick-up of student personal belongings. 

Personal belongings include indoor shoes, water bottles, or items brought from home.  We will also be returning student’s money for our Texas donut sale orders and any medications that parents may have given to the school.  Please note that student supplies and materials such as workbooks, folders, pencils, scissors, etc. will remain at the school.

During this scheduled time, we would also like parents to return any library and/or home reading books, and drop-off bins will be set up for you to do so.

Mrs. Traveson and Mrs. Moore have also asked if their students can return their science projects that were assigned for homework last week so that they can be marked.  If they aren’t completed, please do not worry about passing them in.  Mrs. Lunnin has also asked that if her students have any completed homework, they can also pass it in when families come in to pick up belongings. 

We ask that families enter the building, through the front door, during the time slots allotted to them.  All student personal belongings will be on tables, by classroom in the gym.  Lost and Found items will be displayed in the foyer as well for families to look through.   
This opportunity is only in place if items are needed. If you do not feel the need to come into the school, please do not. Alternate times to pick up student personal belongings will be made at a later time if you are currently ill or self-isolating.

As per World Health and Alberta Health recommendation, we need to mitigate contact between one another as much as possible.  For that reason, staff will not be available to meet with families for any reason. We understand how disconcerting this is for many families. Although unfortunate, it is not advisable or possible given the current pandemic.  We will have few staff members in the gym to return donut money and medications but teachers will not be in the gym during this time.  

If you are exhibiting symptoms of respiratory illness (I.e. fever, cough, fatigue and/or muscle aches) please do not come to the school. Also, please limit the number of family members coming into the building. Where possible, our teachers have already gathered and labeled your child’s stuff for easy pick-up.

As our school staff is in the building and working, we ask that you come only at your pickup time scheduled for you under your surname. When the pickup times are finished, we will be doing a thorough cleaning of the school as per health recommendations.

Wednesday March 18
8:00 – 9:30 AM
Begins with A – E 
Wednesday March 18
9:30 – 11:00 AM
Begins with F – L 
Thursday March 19
8:00 – 9:30 AM
Begins with M – R 
Thursday March 19
9:30 – 11:00 AM
Begins with S – Z

Please contact me via email with any questions you might have.

Thank you for all the kind messages of support. Our teachers are overwhelmed with messages of gratitude. We are thinking of all our students and families and will be in touch with further details as they become available.  Continue to monitor your email.


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